Hey guys, I've decided to stop using blogg.se (i.e this blog) and have gone over to livejournal.

Will stop posting here now, so go to


instead. This blog will now stop being active.

I explained some of my reasoning for this in my first livejournal entry. Go there and read it ^^



Luke and NoahYes! I finally found a hidden IP software that works. Go me. I was having huge issues with past softwares that I've tried cause they either don't work with my browsers or they mess with my internet connection, but now I've found one what actually works without a problem.

Which, of course, means that I can watch ma soap x'D

Yeah, that's pretty much the reason I've been wanting the stuff. I want to be able to watch crap online without restrictions. And now I can. Yay.

Anyway... Julia, I + others were supposed to go out somewhere fun tonight, but that didn't happen because of certain stuff between Julia and her boyfriend, so we're gonna go next weekend instead. Anyone wanna come? Should be a blast, I think. Sadly only Julia, Angelina and I from our "group" (or whatever...) are really interested in that kind of stuff (music, dancing, going out etc) so it'll probably end up being just us.

Which, you know, works too. Moving on.

I'm mad at ma soap right now, because they keep cutting scenes of my favorite couple, which is a bit annoying considering they're on for so few seconds a week as it is. Thankfully their storyline is supposed to kick off on Monday (just saw a preview of it on youtube with Luke's ex-crush Kevin coming back to town and Noah being all jealous... I'm sensing major drama ahead) so hopefully they'll be on a bit more.

Fun fact about my soap: One of the main villains of it, James Stenbeck, is supposedly heir to the Swedish throne. I thought it was kind of amusing to see them try to use typical Swedish stuff (like, for instance, his lawyer's name is Bergman...) despite the fact that none of them speak with Swedish accents. Or any foreign accents. It was funny to see another Swedish character (named Vienna, which is, as we all know, an incredibly Swedish name...) try to pronounce basic Swedish words like "hej då". She failed. Just so you know.

I don't know, I guess I've always been amused by Americans (or any other nationality, really) try to imitate Swedes. They're always so bad at it ^^

I'm gonna go now.


Dorky Nerd Queen, I am.

I found the link to some nerd test on Cat's blog and in lack of better things to do, I did it.

Here are my results.

NerdTests.com says I'm a Dorky Nerd Queen.  What are you?  Click here!

I'm a Dorky Nerd Queen. Yay. It's because I know so much useless information. Like the Battlestar Galactica thing. I don't even watch the stuff (except sometimes when nothing else is on...) and yet I somehow know who created it. Because when I'm bored, I look up useless stuff on the internet.

I'm strange like that.

I'm surprised I didn't get a higher score on the computer thing... I'm supposed to be good with technology, and I am goddammit! Anyway.



This is probably the most adorable cat I've ever seen!

Isn't he cute? I love the shot at the end when he looks up at the camera like "what? I didn't do nothing" and then ran away x'D


He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,

Enwrought with golden and silver light,

The blue and the dim and the dark cloths

Of night and light and the half-light,

I would spread the cloths under your feet:

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly, because you tread on my dreams.

                             - William Yeats

This is probably the only poem I have ever liked. I don't even know why, 'cause I don't really like poetry or know anything about it, but this one has always stuck with me. I've had it saved on my computer for years and I just found it again. It's so pretty :)


Inside World: New mag on the stand!

We were supposed to design a magazine cover for our text communication class, and I chose to make a gossip mag about ma soap As the World Turns.

Here is the result:

   (Click to enlarge)

I think it looks kind of like a gossip rag, right? Yes.

I actually sit at home and do this kind of stuff in my spare time. I'm such a geek.

This is the only kind of homework I ever do. 'Cause it's fun.


In other news; I threw up in a school bathroom today. I know, gross. Stupid migraine.

Where Did All the Plots Go?

I was like superexcited all day 'cause today was the day that my fave soap couple, Luke and Noah, went back on the air.

I've been waiting for it for like three weeks so I was looking forward to it (yes, I get overly involved with ma soap, shutty). I kept waiting for the ep to come online all evening, and then it did, and the part with my couple was three minutes long.

I feel kind of ripped off.

Especially since the show made such a big deal out of it. They were all like "Don't miss Luke and Noah's big reunion!" on their website, so I was thinking that maybe they'd, I don't know, get involved with an actual plot or something.

Someone sure screwed me over.

And now I'm all disappointed and bitter. Okay so not really, I'm not at that level of pathetic yet, I'm just a little bit bummed. I did, after all, get myself all worked up over nothing.

I'm going to go do something more useful with my time now; like, I don't know, try to telepathically make my chair move.


Ah, a Tear

I don't cry a lot at movies. Really. Hannah, Louise, and Angelina can testify to this from when we watched some Korean movie at Louise's place which everybody except me was absolutely bawling at. They were like clutching handkercheifs with tears just streaming down their faces and I was just kind of sitting there with my one eyebrow perpetually raised going "is this supposed to make me cry? 'Cause it's not".

So believe me when I say that I do not cry at movies. Like, ever.

But yesterday, it was my turn to sit there bawling my eyes out. Seriously, I was sobbing. Very pathetic.

I was watching this amateur video recording of a musical called Bare: a Pop Opera. The music was amazing and the story was so moving and I was just kind of sitting there going ohpleasedeargodmakeitstop. It made me cry so bad.

You know, I've never noticed this really because as I said before, I don't cry a lot, but crying is actually very emotionally cleansing. Makes you feel like a huge block of crap just lifted off your shoulders.

Anyway, now I feel totally pathetic so I'm going to go play a video game where I can kill something. Preferably in a very brutal and bloody way.


Here's a video with one of the songs from the musical (don't pay attention to the video cause it has absolutely nothing to do with the play, just the song, mmk?):

It's Like a Bad Disney Movie

Okay, you have to see this!

A while ago I got a comment from Louise with a link to a youtube video of Matt Damon talking about the Sarah Palin story being like a bad Disney movie.

Tada! Here's the trailer for it:

It made me giggle, at least.


I'm so tired.

I had a little dinner party thing at my place last night :) It was fun. We weren't as many as I had planned cause a few people dropped out at the last minute, and some just plain didn't want to be here, but still. Turned out to be a good thing, since we ran into some trouble with the public transit and stuff.

We had a dinner at my place and then we went to Viper Room. I had bought new shoes with very high heels (for me, anyway x'D) so my feet were killing me about 5 minutes into the evening. Remind me to bring a extra pair of flat shoes for next time.

I got home at around 4, I think, and pretty much everything hurt by then. And I had to wake up at like 10 the following morning to start cleaning. The cleaning itself didn't take very long, but doing the dishes by hand did. Guh.

I am sooo fucking tired. I just want to go to bed and sleep until Tuesday. Sadly I can't since I have to wake up fairly early tomorrow and finish the goddamned essay for litterature science class.

Guh, I say. Guh!

When I went on my computer today feeling like utter crap and being really moody, I saw that one of my subscriptions on YouTube had uploaded a really short, two second preview of wednesdays episode of As the World Turns (my soap). The clip was of my favorite couple Luke and Noah (who hasn't been on the show for like a month and I've been waiting and waiting for them to come on), and for some reason this made me ridiculously happy. I'm a silly person to have my spirits lifted like that because of a short two second hug. Seriously. I'm kind of pathetic.

Anyway, it made me happy so whatever.

I'm going to go now.


Barack Roll

I lol'd at this.

Maybe I just have a very strange sense of humor, but I giggled a lot.

Obama's got some moves.

I wonder how long this person looked for clips of Obama that fit the lyrics? Talk about patience.

Anyway... I liked it x'D


McCain's insane.

For some reason, I'm very much into the U.S. presidential election this year. Why? Because I don't want some nutjob running the country I'm planning to move to for the next four years, that's why.

Sadly, there's a pretty big risk that John S. McCain might be that nutjob.

The man's a moron! How can so many people not see that? Here are a few examples of why;

  • He's "pro-life", i.e. against abortion and women's right to make that decision on their own. I'd like to see him squeeze out an unwanted kid and then spend the rest of his life supporting it on minimum wage. Then we'll see what he has to say about "pro-life".
  • He's completely against gay marriage and supports the Defense of Marriage act. Apparently he likes the "separate but equal" thing.
  • He does not have a time plan for getting American troops out of Iraq. He basically thinks it's a good idea to keep them there indefinitely.
  • He thinks guns are A-ok!
  • He chose Sarah frikkin' Palin as his running mate, a woman who might possibly be even scarier than he is. Read this article on rape kits charges in the town she used to be mayor of, and you'll see a woman who's either crazy or incompetent. Neither is a good criteria for vice presidency.
  • He's all for off-shore drilling and plans to build 45 new nuclear power plants (which is insanely expensive and potentially dangerous), choosing to focus on that instead of alternate energy resources.
  • He's stated that he fully intends to continue with several of the Bush/Cheney administrations policies. Because those policies worked so well during the past 8 years. Not. Whatever happened to change?
  • His "plan" for an improved economy is to stop government spending and cut taxes - something we've all heard before. That plan was very popular during Regan's presidency. Try something new, man. Not only that, he wants to privatize social security, which generates a kind of "what the hell?" response.
  • Okay, I've got to mention Palin again. I find it very ironic that he's spent so much of his campaign telling people that Obama doesn't have enough experience to be president, and yet he chooses a woman with even less experience than Obama to be his running mate? What kind of hypocritical judgement call is that?
  • The simple fact that most McCain supporters are a) conservatives, b) middle-age to old. That just shows that he stands for issues that young people, who are going to be most affected by the long-term decisions he makes, do not agree with.
  • He's old. I think he's 72. There is a fairly large chance that he will not make it through his first term as president. Do you know what happens then? That's right - president Palin. Now there's a scary thought.

I could go on and on about why McCain would be a lousy president, but I won't. I'm not saying Barack Obama is a perfect candidate, but he's a hell of a lot better than McCain. Obama, like McCain as of late, promises change, but unlike McCain he has actually shown what he intends to do to come through on this promised change. McCain just jumped on the bandwagon.

If I was American (which I, at times, wish I was simply because that would mean one more vote for Obama and one less vote for McCain) I'd vote Obama mainly to keep McCain the hell out of the White House. Seriously. I'm not lovin' Obama, but he's definitely the lesser of two evils.

Go Obama '08, man.

I'm with Obama, apparently.


I just took a "who's your president" type quiz on abcnews.com where you had to choose between two quotes (one from Obama, one from McCain, but they didn't tell you who said what) depending one which one you most agreed with.

I got 11 out of 13 Obama quotes x'D Only two were from McCain, and both were on the U.S economy, which I don't know anything about, anyway.

How anyone could ever vote republican I'll never know.

Go Obama. Or something.


Take the quiz.

I'm off-Broadway

Ya know, sometimes I really wish I lived in New York city, simply because of all the great stuff on Broadway (and off as well, of course). I just love musicals and plays in general and there is so much that I want to see but can't because they don't have it in Sweden.

I swear I'm going to live in New York at some point in my life.

Otherwise I'll be sad.

Anyway, I was "sick" today. I wasn't really sick, I just woke up with a major headache and was scared that it'd turn into a migraine, so I decided to stay home to be on the safe side. I'm really not up for migraines right now, especially since they've cooled off a lot lately. Luckily I just had a normal headache for a few hours, then it went away ^^

I don't have much else to say... I'm boring, ain't I?



I'm in school right now. I have nothing to do. What do you do when you have nothing  to do?

You write in your blog, that's what.

My.. uhm... how do you translate it... Text communication class starts in like 10 minutes. We're supposed to have a crash course in InDesign so we won't totally fuck up the layout for the school paper, which we as "writers" have to take care of.

I'm not incredibly excited about it, I've got to say.

Anyway... Bored now. They've finally posted new airdates for my favorite soap couple, so I'm happy :D They've been put on the back burner for so long, even though it's obvious they're the more liked couple on the show. I went to the soap's website, where they had a "Tell Us" section in which they want fans to write about what they want to see on the show, and there were more letters about my couple than any of the others together! And yet, my couple is only on for like 10 min every other week. Where is the fairness in that, I ask you?

Anyway, I'm done being an obsessive fangirl now.

This school sucks at the whole organizing thing. We just found out that the computer lab we booked for our class has been double-booked, again. Which kind of sucks for us, since only one class is gonna get it and if we don't we're kind of fucked.

I'm pretty much not liking school right now. We've got like a gazillion assignments and projects, plus the big project for the entire year that all seniors have to do, plus our insane schedule. It's hectic. It's almost like I'm back at my school in the U.S. You know, the whole no breaks and tons of homework thing. Gaaah.

My teacher just showed up. I've got to go. This post turned out to be pretty long. Heh. Sorry.



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