I'm In a Hell of My Own Making

Today, I almost broke my 1 month+ trend of not smoking. Seriously. I had a bitch of a headache, had barely slept, was feeling like hell, and was craving for a cig like you wouldn't believe. Fucking agony's what it is.

I stood strong, though. I was pretty pleased with myself once the self-hate part was done with. Go me.

Posted a new story on poeter.se yesterday. I wrote it in the middle of the night, because that's obviously the best time to write, ever. I can't think of one single story I've written that wasn't done in the middle on the night, usually when somewhat speeded on coke.

I call it "Hourglass". Bow before my amazing imagination. I dedided that I wanted to try a purely descriptive short story, because so much of what I write is dialogue-based. So I wrote a dramatic story about a guy who'd broken up with his boyfriend (yes, I decided to make it gay 'cause most of my stories are all hetero) when he finds out the guy was in a car accident.

Read it here.

I think it's actually quite good, perhaps. I used as many difficult hard-to-understand English words as possible. Because I'm an expert at making anything sound pretentious.

In gaming news: I'm almost finished with Super Paper Mario. I bought it having absolutely no idea what it'd be like, and it surprised me. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not. I'll, like, review it later.

Anyway, I think I'm done, for today.


Postat av: Ink

YOU STOOD STRONG! Proud of you man ^_^ patpat. And SPM is awesome-o

2008-06-14 @ 10:40:06
URL: http://inkthos.blogg.se/
Postat av: Louise

Way to go! I'm proud of you, but don't expect me to follow your example :p

I loved your short story and it was filled with beautiful words - just the way I like it ^^

2008-06-14 @ 22:31:50

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