Yes! I finally found a hidden IP software that works. Go me. I was having huge issues with past softwares that I've tried cause they either don't work with my browsers or they mess with my internet connection, but now I've found one what actually works without a problem.
Which, of course, means that I can watch ma soap x'D
Yeah, that's pretty much the reason I've been wanting the stuff. I want to be able to watch crap online without restrictions. And now I can. Yay.
Anyway... Julia, I + others were supposed to go out somewhere fun tonight, but that didn't happen because of certain stuff between Julia and her boyfriend, so we're gonna go next weekend instead. Anyone wanna come? Should be a blast, I think. Sadly only Julia, Angelina and I from our "group" (or whatever...) are really interested in that kind of stuff (music, dancing, going out etc) so it'll probably end up being just us.
Which, you know, works too. Moving on.
I'm mad at ma soap right now, because they keep cutting scenes of my favorite couple, which is a bit annoying considering they're on for so few seconds a week as it is. Thankfully their storyline is supposed to kick off on Monday (just saw a preview of it on youtube with Luke's ex-crush Kevin coming back to town and Noah being all jealous... I'm sensing major drama ahead) so hopefully they'll be on a bit more.
Fun fact about my soap: One of the main villains of it, James Stenbeck, is supposedly heir to the Swedish throne. I thought it was kind of amusing to see them try to use typical Swedish stuff (like, for instance, his lawyer's name is Bergman...) despite the fact that none of them speak with Swedish accents. Or any foreign accents. It was funny to see another Swedish character (named Vienna, which is, as we all know, an incredibly Swedish name...) try to pronounce basic Swedish words like "hej då". She failed. Just so you know.
I don't know, I guess I've always been amused by Americans (or any other nationality, really) try to imitate Swedes. They're always so bad at it ^^
I'm gonna go now.
Which, of course, means that I can watch ma soap x'D
Yeah, that's pretty much the reason I've been wanting the stuff. I want to be able to watch crap online without restrictions. And now I can. Yay.
Anyway... Julia, I + others were supposed to go out somewhere fun tonight, but that didn't happen because of certain stuff between Julia and her boyfriend, so we're gonna go next weekend instead. Anyone wanna come? Should be a blast, I think. Sadly only Julia, Angelina and I from our "group" (or whatever...) are really interested in that kind of stuff (music, dancing, going out etc) so it'll probably end up being just us.
Which, you know, works too. Moving on.
I'm mad at ma soap right now, because they keep cutting scenes of my favorite couple, which is a bit annoying considering they're on for so few seconds a week as it is. Thankfully their storyline is supposed to kick off on Monday (just saw a preview of it on youtube with Luke's ex-crush Kevin coming back to town and Noah being all jealous... I'm sensing major drama ahead) so hopefully they'll be on a bit more.
Fun fact about my soap: One of the main villains of it, James Stenbeck, is supposedly heir to the Swedish throne. I thought it was kind of amusing to see them try to use typical Swedish stuff (like, for instance, his lawyer's name is Bergman...) despite the fact that none of them speak with Swedish accents. Or any foreign accents. It was funny to see another Swedish character (named Vienna, which is, as we all know, an incredibly Swedish name...) try to pronounce basic Swedish words like "hej då". She failed. Just so you know.
I don't know, I guess I've always been amused by Americans (or any other nationality, really) try to imitate Swedes. They're always so bad at it ^^
I'm gonna go now.