McCain's insane.

For some reason, I'm very much into the U.S. presidential election this year. Why? Because I don't want some nutjob running the country I'm planning to move to for the next four years, that's why.

Sadly, there's a pretty big risk that John S. McCain might be that nutjob.

The man's a moron! How can so many people not see that? Here are a few examples of why;

  • He's "pro-life", i.e. against abortion and women's right to make that decision on their own. I'd like to see him squeeze out an unwanted kid and then spend the rest of his life supporting it on minimum wage. Then we'll see what he has to say about "pro-life".
  • He's completely against gay marriage and supports the Defense of Marriage act. Apparently he likes the "separate but equal" thing.
  • He does not have a time plan for getting American troops out of Iraq. He basically thinks it's a good idea to keep them there indefinitely.
  • He thinks guns are A-ok!
  • He chose Sarah frikkin' Palin as his running mate, a woman who might possibly be even scarier than he is. Read this article on rape kits charges in the town she used to be mayor of, and you'll see a woman who's either crazy or incompetent. Neither is a good criteria for vice presidency.
  • He's all for off-shore drilling and plans to build 45 new nuclear power plants (which is insanely expensive and potentially dangerous), choosing to focus on that instead of alternate energy resources.
  • He's stated that he fully intends to continue with several of the Bush/Cheney administrations policies. Because those policies worked so well during the past 8 years. Not. Whatever happened to change?
  • His "plan" for an improved economy is to stop government spending and cut taxes - something we've all heard before. That plan was very popular during Regan's presidency. Try something new, man. Not only that, he wants to privatize social security, which generates a kind of "what the hell?" response.
  • Okay, I've got to mention Palin again. I find it very ironic that he's spent so much of his campaign telling people that Obama doesn't have enough experience to be president, and yet he chooses a woman with even less experience than Obama to be his running mate? What kind of hypocritical judgement call is that?
  • The simple fact that most McCain supporters are a) conservatives, b) middle-age to old. That just shows that he stands for issues that young people, who are going to be most affected by the long-term decisions he makes, do not agree with.
  • He's old. I think he's 72. There is a fairly large chance that he will not make it through his first term as president. Do you know what happens then? That's right - president Palin. Now there's a scary thought.

I could go on and on about why McCain would be a lousy president, but I won't. I'm not saying Barack Obama is a perfect candidate, but he's a hell of a lot better than McCain. Obama, like McCain as of late, promises change, but unlike McCain he has actually shown what he intends to do to come through on this promised change. McCain just jumped on the bandwagon.

If I was American (which I, at times, wish I was simply because that would mean one more vote for Obama and one less vote for McCain) I'd vote Obama mainly to keep McCain the hell out of the White House. Seriously. I'm not lovin' Obama, but he's definitely the lesser of two evils.

Go Obama '08, man.


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