
I started smoking again.

Feel free to ream me out for it. I know it's incredibly stupid.

I'm very disappointed in myself.

At least I'm smoking Marlboro menthol's now as opposed to John Silver's, which are A LOT stronger. And I'm not smoking as much as I used to.

But still. It sucks that I'm back to that.

I was out with Jamie at Tommy's (a grill&bar here in Å-Berga) and everybody around me (actually, practically everyone in the place) was smoking, and Jamie kept offering me cigarettes, and eventually I cracked.

I know. Stupid.

Stupid, addictive cancer-sticks...


Extract from;

In almost every list pride (or hubris or vanity) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. Vanity and narcissism are prime examples of this sin. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the penitent were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.

Very interesting, I think. I didn't know that Pride was the most horrible of all the seven sins.

Speaking of which, Pride is coming up in Stockholm. Anyone planning on going? I'd go, only I haven't found any poor schmucks to drag along with me. Wanna go? It looks like it should be fun, what with all the crazy homos and lesbians walking around in awesome costumes and whatnot.

And best of all, unless you wanna go to all the fancy stuff, it's free ^_____^

Go Pride, man.


I decided to try my hand at coloring...

I found this drawing on some website a while ago and saved it because I thought it looked pretty. So when I saw it today I thought I might as well practise coloring on this.

So, I did not draw this, just colored it.

I don't know who the original artist is, though.

Anyway, here it is:

 (Click to enlarge)

While I was coloring it I was thinking up this whole story for them... It took me about 2 hours to do, and by the end I had almost a book thought up x'D I tend to do this. Some day I may even write it down.

Anyway... I know it's just an explosion of glaring colors. Even my eyes find them offensive. But I wanted to try coloring, soo...

You can tell that it's been a while since I've done this. I'm not very happy with how it turned out, although I think the purple blouse thing is kinda purty ^^ It's pretty obvious that I started with their skin because that's the sloppiest part.

Oh well :)

I'm gonna go now.




I got my graphics tablet to work again.

I am clearly a genius.

I decided to draw something right away, before the magic goes away and  the darn thing breaks again.

This is what I drew:

 (Click to enlarge)

A very quick (took me about 35 minutes) sketch of Ryan Stiles.

Yes, I get very easily obsessed. Shut up.

It's the first thing I've drawn in 2 months. Which is why it sucks so much. My skills are rusty.

Oh well, at least I'm drawing again!


I think it looks a little bit like him, at least.

As you may have noticed, I never draw hair. Ever. Because I can't. Hair is stupid, anyway.

Well, I'm gonna go now.



I haven't posted anything here for a while, but I assure you I have a reason. It's not a very good one, but still. I've been completely fucking up my sleep. I'm barely sleeping at all, firstly, and when I do sleep it's just a few hours in the middle of the day, which of course causes me to stay up all night. The circle goes round and round.

I suck.

Anyway, this strange behaviour has caused me to be even less productive than normal (due to being insanely tired all the frikkin' time) and thus, I have nothing to post here.

I have also been watching excessive amounts of Whose Line is it Anyway?. Because that show is a big can of awesome. That's basically all I do. To demonstrate my point (as well as the stupidity of my existance as of late) I took note of everything I did yesterday. Observe:

08:00 - Has been awake all night. Climbs out of bed to help my mom give ze doggie (Seska) her insulin shot.

08:15 - Fixes breakfast (A microwave pizza) and eats it while watching the news on TV.

08: 45 - Goes back to my room and lies down in my bed with my compy in my lap. Spends the next few hours watching WLiiA and reading webcomics.

10:00 - Goes downstairs to get a snack (toast).

13:00 - Takes ze doggie out for a walk.

13:35 - Comes back from the doggie walk. Goes down to the basement and watches Mulan on DVD.

14:15 (ish) - Falls asleep in the middle of the movie.

18:30 (ish) - My mom wakes me up because of dinner. It's McDonald's. What a surprise. Eats food and watches WLiiA on DVD with my family.

19:45 - Walks upstairs and assumes the position from 08:45, that is in bed with my compy on top of me. Watches WLiiA clips on YouTube while having a very strange conversation with a random person on a forum.

23:30 - Not tired enough to sleep. Fools my mom into thinking I'm going to bed soon, and then stays up all night.

01:30 (ish) - Walks downstairs to find food. Finds practically nothing, so I cook some ramen noodles I found in the back of the cupboard. Chicken flavoured.

02:00 - Decides to try to get some sleep. Gives up after 15 minutes.

02:15 - Watches two Queer as Folk episodes from season four, where Brian has cancer. Oh, the drama!

04:00 - Goes back to watching WLiiA, only stopping from time to time to watch something else for the sake of variety.

08:00 - My mom walks in and scolds me for staying up all night again.

There you have it. A day in the life of Emma. How exciting.

I am so fucking tired.


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