Gay-bashing = no fun.

I just had this incredibly frustrating conversation with a guy on youtube, and it made me sad and angry at the same time. I cannot believe that there are people in the world who actually think like this, and what's more, refuse to believe it's not the only truth there is.

There is just no logic in it, and therefore it was impossible for me to respond with logic. Nothing works on them. They're so incredibly set in their ways. It's sad. And horrible.

We were having a convo about a video from Ellen Degeneres talk show, where she spoke about a poor, 15 year old gay kid who was killed by the guy he'd asked to be his valentine. It was horrible.

Here are some of the things he said;

"Really? Hmmm. Let's see:

You: Faggot or Faggot enabler. Military won't let you serve and if you get in, they find out, they give you a dishonorable discharge and nice boot print on your ass.

Me: Joined, served, finished as Captain. Kicked out 8 homos during my time, not before jailing 2 (Was so proud), got a few ribbons, a couple of certificates and a honorable discharge.

Exactly who is the disgrace here?"

"Try again cock gobbler. Larry was a sexual harasser. The valentine was the straw that broke the camel's back or in your terms: the oil that hit the anus. So kid got a gun and double tapped the fruit. One for the kill, one to make sure he didn't come back as a gay zombie."

"Gays deserve to be bashed. You brought it on yourself by choosing the easy, selfish path in life. And yes, you did fail with the opposite sex. If you automatically "assumed" you were gay without giving the opposite sex the benefit of the doubt, then yes, you rolled a lvl 1 Fairy Class life. Don't forget to put your talent points in interior design, stretched asshole +10%, and how to make shit smell like strawberries during ass sex."

"Yes, gay is the easy route. No responsibilities for the opposite sex. No children to be "accidentally" had (turd don't count). It's all a sexual utopia. Lust, desire, depravity, and perversion with none of the responsibility of a responsible heterosexual couple. Too easy. You know, I probably am hard on the gays. God made you this way because apparently, there is a Noob level in life and being Gay is like the easiest class to play."

"You want love? Love is for the opposite sex. There is no love between same gender. Only satisfaction of lustful desire and pain. Gays are losers with the opposite sex. Unable to handle the challenges of the opposite. That is why they are weak, corruptible, and spineless. No wonder they chose the easy route of being gay. "

"It's funny. Homosexuals say they were born that way. Pedophiles say they were born that way. Yet, between the two, there is no gene, merely a chemical imbalance. Yet both groups don't want to be cured, so in the end that made a choice to be gay. It is a shame, we simply cannot exile both groups or at least let the lions have at them. But then the lions might get aids or molested, and since I love animals, I have to banish both groups."

"Being a homosexual should be a crime. As it leads to more deviant and degenerate behavior that society has no use for, that includes homosexual pedophilia. There is no honor in being gay. Only dishonor to the family name and to our nation."

"There is no such thing as love between gays. Only lust and domination. It is nothing more than a perversion."

I seriously don't get how people can think like this. It really offended me, and I'm not even gay. He called me a "fag-enabler", whatever that means.

It makes me sad.

There's only about 1 1/2 months left til the 10-year anniversary of Matthew Shepard's death, too.

I can't believe we haven't gotten further than this in ten frikkin' years.


Postat av: Hannah

WHAT A SICK BASTARD!!!!! Let's frikkin' kill him with a gun and then shot him some more to make sure hee won't come back as a zombie. NGH! Really pissed ._. Hugs on you mkay? What a.. tragic person. Stupid too.

2008-09-10 @ 11:57:37
Postat av: Bea

uhhh, ja.

gå in på msn eller så?

kommer inte imorrn heller :C

orkar inte.

skriv här eller på bdb. <3

2008-09-10 @ 20:42:24
Postat av: Louise

What the hell?

Jag blev så himla arg nu >.<

Han är säkert en sådan som kollar på lesbisk porr och sen går ut och predikar om att det är fel att vara gay.

Jag blir så ledsen av patetiska personer som sätter käppar i hjulet för andra människor. Homofobgubbe.

2008-09-12 @ 23:33:01

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