Dorky Nerd Queen, I am.

I found the link to some nerd test on Cat's blog and in lack of better things to do, I did it.

Here are my results. says I'm a Dorky Nerd Queen.  What are you?  Click here!

I'm a Dorky Nerd Queen. Yay. It's because I know so much useless information. Like the Battlestar Galactica thing. I don't even watch the stuff (except sometimes when nothing else is on...) and yet I somehow know who created it. Because when I'm bored, I look up useless stuff on the internet.

I'm strange like that.

I'm surprised I didn't get a higher score on the computer thing... I'm supposed to be good with technology, and I am goddammit! Anyway.


Postat av: Cat

I kind of feel like they missed out on judging certain things. Like knowledge of video games and such. It was mostly about maths and Star Trek. D<

2008-10-06 @ 17:28:44
Postat av: Emma

Hmm.. Very true. There were almost no video game questions. Mostly comics, sci-fi, and random science/math stuff. I guess people count that stuff as more nerdy nowadays, considering video games are "in" now >_>''

2008-10-06 @ 19:42:00
Postat av: Anonym

This has nothing to do with this, but what the hell:

Just because it made me giggle ^^

2008-10-07 @ 00:09:44
Postat av: Louise

Darn, the comment above this one is mine...

2008-10-07 @ 00:11:12

Comment ranting here:

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