
Today is the day of crap.

I'm pissed, I'm annoyed, I'm in pain, and I hate everything.

What day is it?

That's right, the first day of my period.

Also known as crap-day.

Sometimes I hate being a girl.

I just inhaled an entire Ben & Jerry's Bohemian Raspberry, and I'm feeling a little bit better.

Still a bitch, though.

Anywho, I'm moving on from that now.


Saturday night was lots of fun.

We "kidnapped" (as much as you can kidnap a willing victim) Hannah and brought her to Viper Room in Sthlm. It was a lot of fun. And by we I mean Julia, Sofie, Angelina, Michelle and I.

Everything about the night was fun, except the guy on the dance floor and the stalkers. They were just creepy.

Still, we should do it again sometime.

I'm going to go now, it's time to medicate myself in a desperate attempt to make the pain go away.



Wow. I did so not know this.

How the hell did I miss it?

I just found out that George Carlin died two months ago.

This is incredibly sad.

The guy was amazing! I've been a fan of his for such a long time, it feels really weird that he's suddenly dead.

I used to watch him all the time when I lived in the U.S.

Wow... I'm bummed now.

R.I.P George Carlin. I really think the world lost a genius.


I love this guy. He managed to put everything I think of Christianity and religion into a 1 1/2 min video.

I giggled.

You should, too.

Heh... "Cosmic Jewish zombie".... x'D

Anyways... Toodles.


Avoidant:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

Well.. I always knew somthing was wrong with me... x'D


A few days ago, July 31st, was my 18th birthday. Fun-ness.

I got pretty much exactly what I wished for;

  • New speakers for my computer
  • Sweeney Todd on DVD
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl for Wii
  • Money
  • Adapter for my Mac so I can connect my compy to my TV
  • Ipod accessory so I can connect it to my car stereo

I'm very happy ^___________^

I'm probably going to have a sort of birthday party soon. Wanna come?

Anyway... I think I'm going to use my b-day money to buy a little gift for myself: a nose ring. Yay.




I started smoking again.

Feel free to ream me out for it. I know it's incredibly stupid.

I'm very disappointed in myself.

At least I'm smoking Marlboro menthol's now as opposed to John Silver's, which are A LOT stronger. And I'm not smoking as much as I used to.

But still. It sucks that I'm back to that.

I was out with Jamie at Tommy's (a grill&bar here in Å-Berga) and everybody around me (actually, practically everyone in the place) was smoking, and Jamie kept offering me cigarettes, and eventually I cracked.

I know. Stupid.

Stupid, addictive cancer-sticks...


Extract from;

In almost every list pride (or hubris or vanity) is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God). Dante's definition was "love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor." In Jacob Bidermann's medieval miracle play, Cenodoxus, pride is the deadliest of all the sins and leads directly to the damnation of the titulary famed Parisian doctor. In perhaps the best-known example, the story of Lucifer, pride (his desire to compete with God) was what caused his fall from Heaven, and his resultant transformation into Satan. Vanity and narcissism are prime examples of this sin. In Dante's Divine Comedy, the penitent were forced to walk with stone slabs bearing down on their backs in order to induce feelings of humility.

Very interesting, I think. I didn't know that Pride was the most horrible of all the seven sins.

Speaking of which, Pride is coming up in Stockholm. Anyone planning on going? I'd go, only I haven't found any poor schmucks to drag along with me. Wanna go? It looks like it should be fun, what with all the crazy homos and lesbians walking around in awesome costumes and whatnot.

And best of all, unless you wanna go to all the fancy stuff, it's free ^_____^

Go Pride, man.


I decided to try my hand at coloring...

I found this drawing on some website a while ago and saved it because I thought it looked pretty. So when I saw it today I thought I might as well practise coloring on this.

So, I did not draw this, just colored it.

I don't know who the original artist is, though.

Anyway, here it is:

 (Click to enlarge)

While I was coloring it I was thinking up this whole story for them... It took me about 2 hours to do, and by the end I had almost a book thought up x'D I tend to do this. Some day I may even write it down.

Anyway... I know it's just an explosion of glaring colors. Even my eyes find them offensive. But I wanted to try coloring, soo...

You can tell that it's been a while since I've done this. I'm not very happy with how it turned out, although I think the purple blouse thing is kinda purty ^^ It's pretty obvious that I started with their skin because that's the sloppiest part.

Oh well :)

I'm gonna go now.




I got my graphics tablet to work again.

I am clearly a genius.

I decided to draw something right away, before the magic goes away and  the darn thing breaks again.

This is what I drew:

 (Click to enlarge)

A very quick (took me about 35 minutes) sketch of Ryan Stiles.

Yes, I get very easily obsessed. Shut up.

It's the first thing I've drawn in 2 months. Which is why it sucks so much. My skills are rusty.

Oh well, at least I'm drawing again!


I think it looks a little bit like him, at least.

As you may have noticed, I never draw hair. Ever. Because I can't. Hair is stupid, anyway.

Well, I'm gonna go now.



I haven't posted anything here for a while, but I assure you I have a reason. It's not a very good one, but still. I've been completely fucking up my sleep. I'm barely sleeping at all, firstly, and when I do sleep it's just a few hours in the middle of the day, which of course causes me to stay up all night. The circle goes round and round.

I suck.

Anyway, this strange behaviour has caused me to be even less productive than normal (due to being insanely tired all the frikkin' time) and thus, I have nothing to post here.

I have also been watching excessive amounts of Whose Line is it Anyway?. Because that show is a big can of awesome. That's basically all I do. To demonstrate my point (as well as the stupidity of my existance as of late) I took note of everything I did yesterday. Observe:

08:00 - Has been awake all night. Climbs out of bed to help my mom give ze doggie (Seska) her insulin shot.

08:15 - Fixes breakfast (A microwave pizza) and eats it while watching the news on TV.

08: 45 - Goes back to my room and lies down in my bed with my compy in my lap. Spends the next few hours watching WLiiA and reading webcomics.

10:00 - Goes downstairs to get a snack (toast).

13:00 - Takes ze doggie out for a walk.

13:35 - Comes back from the doggie walk. Goes down to the basement and watches Mulan on DVD.

14:15 (ish) - Falls asleep in the middle of the movie.

18:30 (ish) - My mom wakes me up because of dinner. It's McDonald's. What a surprise. Eats food and watches WLiiA on DVD with my family.

19:45 - Walks upstairs and assumes the position from 08:45, that is in bed with my compy on top of me. Watches WLiiA clips on YouTube while having a very strange conversation with a random person on a forum.

23:30 - Not tired enough to sleep. Fools my mom into thinking I'm going to bed soon, and then stays up all night.

01:30 (ish) - Walks downstairs to find food. Finds practically nothing, so I cook some ramen noodles I found in the back of the cupboard. Chicken flavoured.

02:00 - Decides to try to get some sleep. Gives up after 15 minutes.

02:15 - Watches two Queer as Folk episodes from season four, where Brian has cancer. Oh, the drama!

04:00 - Goes back to watching WLiiA, only stopping from time to time to watch something else for the sake of variety.

08:00 - My mom walks in and scolds me for staying up all night again.

There you have it. A day in the life of Emma. How exciting.

I am so fucking tired.



I stole this quiz from Cat. Cause I'm bored. There.

This thing turned out pretty serious. So; rare look into the psyche of Emma. What a treat.

The pic is just a random photo of me I found; I thought the post needed one so it wouldn't look so boring. It's not a very good pic, cause I took it with my five year old webcam, but oh well.

Are you single? If yes; why? Yes I am. 'Cause I like it that way. I suppose if I met someone I really liked, I'd want a relationship. But for now, I'm not very interested.

Are you in love? Nope.

What is one thing you like about yourself? ... I'd have to think about it. I guess... My ability to be independent of anyone and the fact that I'm not afraid to try new things.

One thing you dislike about yourself? I'm not very comfortable around people I don't know (sometimes even around people I do know!) and I tend to make a fool out of myself.

Who is your best friend? I have a number of close friends I like lots, but if I'd have to pick one it'd be Hannah.

Do you have any regrets?
Yup. Sadly I'm one of those people who dwell on things WAY too much, long after I really should just let them go. I still get embarrassed by stuff I did years ago.

Are you keeping any secrets? Yeah.

What's your favourite number? I have no clue. It changes every time I answer this question.

What is your favourite thing to fantasize about? I'm not telling.

What is your favourite video game? This is, as stated in another quiz, a totally cruel question, which I cannot answer. I did rather like Portal and Zelda PH lots, though.

If you had a partner, what is the most romantic thing you'd do together? Fuck if I know. Maybe go away somewhere together or something.

What turns you on? Manly men? x'D I don't know. But I guess that's sort of true, cause effeminate men has always been a bit of a turn-off for me. Also, tall guys. And I like it when someone is a bit silly and goofy. ^^

What frightens you? Spiders and other crawling and/or flying things. I have such a phobia for that stuff, it's not even funny. I, like, cry. Seriously.

What is your life ambition? I don't know. Not to use to old, stale clichés or anything, but I'd like to just be fucking happy. Other than that, I'm pretty flexible.

What makes you happy? I'm not sure how to answer this question. Lots of things have the potential to make me happy, but it's different things different days. If I have to pick just a general thing; my friends make me happy. I like knowing that someone out there actually likes me. ^^

There. Boredom solved for a while :)



I'm back from hicksville (and to the land of the coherent) after spending midsummer there with my grandparents. It was...

Well, anyway.

Today's post is going to be spent on shameless advertising.

I've always admired people who can sing really really well (mostly because I've always wanted to be able to sing, myself.) I've also always believed in praise when praise is due. And this girl, Christ, she really deserves some praising. Amazing. I was just in fucking awe after hearing her.

Her name is Charise Pempengco and she's from the Philippines. I'm probably the last person in the universe to hear of her, but anyway. I thinks she's around 14-15 in this video. She's fucking amazing. If you click play, prepare to be blown away. Seriously.

I'm, like, in love with Ryan Stiles. He is a very funny man. Who is he, you ask? Well, he's a participant on another thing I'm in love with, namely, the show Whose Line is it Anyway?

This show is incredibly funny. It's an improvisation game, where four comedians (Ryan Stiles, Colin Mocherie, Wayne Brady and one other) make up little skits and scenes based on suggestions given by the audience and by the host (Drew Carey). They've never heard/seen the suggestions before, which means that they make everything up right on the spot (i.e improvisation ^^). It's very funny in my opinion, mostly because it's so stupid and silly that you can't help but laugh. And Ryan Stiles is very adorable, I think.

Here are two short examples of the show from youtube (they're not terribly funny, because all the stuff that I've found the funniest on this show wasn't anywhere on youtube, but these are a bit funny, anyway ^^)

Heh-heh... "Two thongs don't make a right" ... I thought that one was a little bit genius. But then again, my sense of humor is really, really silly. The sillier something is, the bigger chance I'll find it funny. I'm strange that way.

Well, anyway.



I am now the proud owner of a MacBook! I can't believe this! I'm gonna cry...

I'll write a proper post once the shock wears off.



I found this list on this website. I thought it was funny.

12 Reasons Same-Sex Marriage Will Ruin Society

1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.

2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.

3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.

4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.

5. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.

6. Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.

7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are always imposed on the entire country. That's why we only have one religion in America.

8. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.

9. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.

10. Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.

11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.

12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians.


I lol'd.



I started my new Douglas Coupland novel today. It's called The Gum Thief, and it's, as always with this particular author, brilliant. I've read half of it now, and I've got to say it's very different from his other works that I've read (i.e. JPod x'D).

It's about two people, Roger and Bethany. They're pretty much polar opposites. Roger is a middle-aged divorced bitter man, and Bethany is a 24 year old girl just coming out of her goth-phase. They only have one single thing in common; they both work at the hell called Staples (for those of you who aren't that informed about American mass-industries, it's a chain of stores that sell office supplies). They're both pretty bitter and cynical, having somehow gotten used to the fact that they're doomed to "restocking reams of paper and shelving post-it notes" for the rest of their lives, but just because they're used to it doesn't mean they have to like it.

Bethany one day finds Rogers journal in the employees lounge and finds out that he's written entries in it as her. She's, naturally, a bit freaked out, but instead of reaming him out, she writes him back in the journal. They start this weird correspondence through the journal, writing each other all the time but never acknowledging the others existence outside of it.

It's a very amusing, in a bitter, cynical sort of way. It's completely different from JPod, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Although, I must say, it's a bit slow at times. I'll wait and see whether or not I'd recommend it once I've finished it all.


I was all on my owny today. My brother is at my grandparents summer house, my mom was out with a friend all night, and my dad was working night. I fucking love being on my own. I spent the entire evning listening to my own music for a change, dancing around, eating pizza, stuffing my face with all kinds of snacky goodness, and watching Queer as Folk on the big screen TV with the surround-sound system in the basement.


My family needs to have actual lives more often.


'Til next time,


I'm In a Hell of My Own Making

Today, I almost broke my 1 month+ trend of not smoking. Seriously. I had a bitch of a headache, had barely slept, was feeling like hell, and was craving for a cig like you wouldn't believe. Fucking agony's what it is.

I stood strong, though. I was pretty pleased with myself once the self-hate part was done with. Go me.

Posted a new story on yesterday. I wrote it in the middle of the night, because that's obviously the best time to write, ever. I can't think of one single story I've written that wasn't done in the middle on the night, usually when somewhat speeded on coke.

I call it "Hourglass". Bow before my amazing imagination. I dedided that I wanted to try a purely descriptive short story, because so much of what I write is dialogue-based. So I wrote a dramatic story about a guy who'd broken up with his boyfriend (yes, I decided to make it gay 'cause most of my stories are all hetero) when he finds out the guy was in a car accident.

Read it here.

I think it's actually quite good, perhaps. I used as many difficult hard-to-understand English words as possible. Because I'm an expert at making anything sound pretentious.

In gaming news: I'm almost finished with Super Paper Mario. I bought it having absolutely no idea what it'd be like, and it surprised me. I'm not quite sure if I like it or not. I'll, like, review it later.

Anyway, I think I'm done, for today.


If This Was a TV-Quiz, I'd Be Winning a Pony Right About Now

Cat gave me a quiz. I answered it. It was fun. I like quizzes.

1. What would you do if you got lost in the woods? Build a cabin out of available wood-like items and become a woodland creature.

2. …With a very attractive person? Build a cabin out of available wood-like items and fuck like a woodland creature.

3. Would you date someone with a prosthetic leg? The legs are usually not the most attractive parts of a guy’s lower half, anyway…

4. The eternal battle; chocolate or vanilla? This is kind of a ‘duh’ question. Chocolate.

5. Name a fetish you have. Oh wait, that’s not a question. Name a fetish you have, please? … Hot man-on-man sex?

6. Late at night when you’re awake and all alone, and the stars are shining brightly above you, do you feel sad? No. I feel powerful, in that "yay I’m alone in the universe and therefore can do whatever I want" sort of way.

7. What if there was a full moon, too? I’d howl. Cause hey, I can do whatever I want.

8. Do you need the company of a stuffed animal to sleep properly? Not since I was like, 13.

9. Do you sleep in a foetus position? Never. I spread myself out as much as physically possible, thus making it impossible for anyone to sleep in the same bed as me.

10. Are you pathetic? Because if you’ve answered yes to the last four questions, I’d say you are. … True dat.

11. Are we seriously all going to die because of global warming? I figure death will come naturally to me WAY before that becomes a problem.

12. Have you ever wanted to bash someone’s head in with a brick or a baseball bat? Honestly? No. That’s too gruesome. I prefer the sneak-attack.

13. If yes, who and why? If no, you’re probably lying? See above.

14. Are you keeping any secrets from me? Yes. Duh. Everyone knows you can’t be trusted.

15. If yes, why? Don’t you trust me? Don’t you love me anymore? Of course I love you, snugglebum.

16. What is your favourite videogame of all time? This is an incredibly unfair and cruel question which you can ponder for an eternity and never find an answer to. Really.

17. What is the most attractive feature with the gender(s) you’re attracted to? Abs. Pecs. Arms. Length (both in feet as well as inches *insert perverted snicker here*). Facial structure. Fuck if I know.

18. Why on earth would you find THAT attractive? Because they are some of the basics that make up the anatomy of a human being?

19. Are you suggesting coconuts migrate? No, but apparently, King Arthur is.

20. Were you expecting crazier questions from me? I guess that depends on your definition of crazy.

21. Am I letting you down? No. This is fun.

22. How old would you say you are – mentally? It depends. Some days I feel 40. Others, 5. Mostly? Dead.

23. Do you have faith in The Flying Spaghetti Monster? I can’t! It has failed me too many times! Why, o why Flying Spaghetti Monster, why?

24. Have you ever hugged me? I think so.

25. Why/ why not? Cause you’re pretty.

26. How do you know me, anyway? School, dude.

27. What do YOU think is the meaning of life? Finding the meaning of life.

28. If you could own your very own circus, what would it feature? Crazy butler skunks.

29. Would you be contributing to the entertainment? If yes, how? No. I’d rather sit back and laugh manically.

30. What are you better than me at? I… Don’t… Know?

31. What makes you think you’re so great at it? See above.

32. What would your last words be? In life? In an msn-conversation? Just generally? Be more specific when quizzing me.

33. Do you like tacos? Yes.

This was fun. Make moore quizzes! Anyhow... My back hurts, so I don't want to write any more.


And People Will Point at My Blog and Say "Job Well Done."

Victory, such as it is, is mine!

I have finally, after much bitching and moaning, made this incredibly stupid work in my favour.

Take that, blog!

My back hurts like hell from bending over my keyboard, but wth, it's worth it!

.. Okay, it's not, but whatever.

I've been sitting here for like an hour and a half trying to modify the design on this. It took so long purely because every time I tried to make a change, the "500 internal server error" page would show and I'd have to do it all over again.

Curse this stupid site.

Anyway, I am finally victorious, and that's what matters.

Until next time, toodles.

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